import { vec3, constrainAngle as constrain } from "./util.js";
import { OKLab_to } from "./core.js";
import { sRGBGamut } from "./spaces.js";
import {
} from "./gamut.js";
const K1 = 0.206;
const K2 = 0.03;
const K3 = (1.0 + K1) / (1.0 + K2);
const tmp2A = [0, 0];
const tmp2B = [0, 0];
const tmp3A = vec3();
const tmp2Cusp = [0, 0];
const tau = 2 * Math.PI;
const copySign = (to, from) => (Math.sign(to) === Math.sign(from) ? to : -to);
const spow = (base, exp) => copySign(Math.abs(base) ** exp, base);
const toe = (x) =>
0.5 *
(K3 * x - K1 + Math.sqrt((K3 * x - K1) * (K3 * x - K1) + 4 * K2 * K3 * x));
const toeInv = (x) => (x ** 2 + K1 * x) / (K3 * (x + K2));
const computeSt = (cusp, out) => {
// To ST.
let l = cusp[0];
let c = cusp[1];
out[0] = c / l;
out[1] = c / (1 - l);
const toScaleL = (lv, cv, a_, b_, lmsToRgb) => {
let lvt = toeInv(lv);
let cvt = (cv * lvt) / lv;
// RGB scale
tmp3A[0] = lvt;
tmp3A[1] = a_ * cvt;
tmp3A[2] = b_ * cvt;
let ret = OKLab_to(tmp3A, lmsToRgb, tmp3A);
return spow(
1.0 / Math.max(Math.max(ret[0], ret[1]), Math.max(ret[2], 0.0)),
1 / 3
const computeStMid = (a, b, out) => {
// Returns a smooth approximation of the location of the cusp.
// This polynomial was created by an optimization process.
// It has been designed so that S_mid < S_max and T_mid < T_max.
let s =
0.11516993 +
1.0 /
(7.4477897 +
4.1590124 * b +
a *
(-2.19557347 +
1.75198401 * b +
a *
(-2.13704948 -
10.02301043 * b +
a * (-4.24894561 + 5.38770819 * b + 4.69891013 * a))));
let t =
0.11239642 +
1.0 /
(1.6132032 -
0.68124379 * b +
a *
(0.40370612 +
0.90148123 * b +
a *
(-0.27087943 +
0.6122399 * b +
a * (0.00299215 - 0.45399568 * b - 0.14661872 * a))));
out[0] = s;
out[1] = t;
const getCs = (l, a, b, cusp, gamut) => {
// Get Cs
let cMax = findGamutIntersectionOKLCH(a, b, l, 1, l, cusp, gamut);
let stMax = tmp2A;
computeSt(cusp, stMax);
// Scale factor to compensate for the curved part of gamut shape:
let k = cMax / Math.min(l * stMax[0], (1 - l) * stMax[1]);
const stMid = tmp2B;
computeStMid(a, b, stMid);
// Use a soft minimum function, instead of a sharp triangle shape to get a smooth value for chroma.
let ca = l * stMid[0];
let cb = (1.0 - l) * stMid[1];
let cMid =
0.9 * k * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 / ca ** 4 + 1.0 / cb ** 4)));
// For `C_0`, the shape is independent of hue, so `ST` are constant.
// Values picked to roughly be the average values of `ST`.
ca = l * 0.4;
cb = (1.0 - l) * 0.8;
// Use a soft minimum function, instead of a sharp triangle shape to get a smooth value for chroma.
let c0 = Math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 / ca ** 2 + 1.0 / cb ** 2));
return [c0, cMid, cMax];
* Converts OKHSL color to OKLab color.
* @method
* @category oklab
* @param {Vector} hsl - The OKHSL color as an array [h, s, l].
* @param {ColorGamut} [gamut=sRGBGamut] - The color gamut.
* @param {Vector} [out=vec3()] - The output array to store the OKLab color.
* @returns {Vector} The OKLab color as an array [L, a, b].
export const OKHSLToOKLab = (hsl, gamut = sRGBGamut, out = vec3()) => {
// Convert Okhsl to Oklab.
let h = hsl[0],
s = hsl[1],
l = hsl[2];
let L = toeInv(l);
let a = 0;
let b = 0;
h = constrain(h) / 360.0;
if (L !== 0.0 && L !== 1.0 && s !== 0) {
let a_ = Math.cos(tau * h);
let b_ = Math.sin(tau * h);
const cusp = findCuspOKLCH(a_, b_, gamut, tmp2Cusp);
let Cs = getCs(L, a_, b_, cusp, gamut);
let c0 = Cs[0],
cMid = Cs[1],
cMax = Cs[2];
// Interpolate the three values for C so that:
// ```
// At s=0: dC/ds = C_0, C=0
// At s=0.8: C=C_mid
// At s=1.0: C=C_max
// ```
let mid = 0.8;
let midInv = 1.25;
let t, k0, k1, k2;
if (s < mid) {
t = midInv * s;
k0 = 0.0;
k1 = mid * c0;
k2 = 1.0 - k1 / cMid;
} else {
t = 5 * (s - 0.8);
k0 = cMid;
k1 = (0.2 * cMid ** 2 * 1.25 ** 2) / c0;
k2 = 1.0 - k1 / (cMax - cMid);
let c = k0 + (t * k1) / (1.0 - k2 * t);
a = c * a_;
b = c * b_;
out[0] = L;
out[1] = a;
out[2] = b;
return out;
* Converts OKLab color to OKHSL color.
* @method
* @category oklab
* @param {Vector} lab - The OKLab color as an array [L, a, b].
* @param {ColorGamut} [gamut=sRGBGamut] - The color gamut.
* @param {Vector} [out=vec3()] - The output array to store the OKHSL color.
* @returns {Vector} The OKHSL color as an array [h, s, l].
export const OKLabToOKHSL = (lab, gamut = sRGBGamut, out = vec3()) => {
// Oklab to Okhsl.
// Epsilon for lightness should approach close to 32 bit lightness
// Epsilon for saturation just needs to be sufficiently close when denoting achromatic
let εL = 1e-7;
let εS = 1e-4;
let L = lab[0];
let s = 0.0;
let l = toe(L);
let c = Math.sqrt(lab[1] ** 2 + lab[2] ** 2);
let h = 0.5 + Math.atan2(-lab[2], -lab[1]) / tau;
if (l !== 0.0 && l !== 1.0 && c !== 0) {
let a_ = lab[1] / c;
let b_ = lab[2] / c;
const cusp = findCuspOKLCH(a_, b_, gamut, tmp2Cusp);
let Cs = getCs(L, a_, b_, cusp, gamut);
let c0 = Cs[0],
cMid = Cs[1],
cMax = Cs[2];
let mid = 0.8;
let midInv = 1.25;
let k0, k1, k2, t;
if (c < cMid) {
k1 = mid * c0;
k2 = 1.0 - k1 / cMid;
t = c / (k1 + k2 * c);
s = t * mid;
} else {
k0 = cMid;
k1 = (0.2 * cMid ** 2 * midInv ** 2) / c0;
k2 = 1.0 - k1 / (cMax - cMid);
t = (c - k0) / (k1 + k2 * (c - k0));
s = mid + 0.2 * t;
const achromatic = Math.abs(s) < εS;
if (achromatic || l === 0.0 || Math.abs(1 - l) < εL) {
// Due to floating point imprecision near lightness of 1, we can end up
// with really high around white, this is to provide consistency as
// saturation can be really high for white due this imprecision.
if (!achromatic) {
s = 0.0;
h = constrain(h * 360);
out[0] = h;
out[1] = s;
out[2] = l;
return out;
* Converts OKHSV color to OKLab color.
* @method
* @category oklab
* @param {Vector} hsv - The OKHSV color as an array [h, s, v].
* @param {ColorGamut} [gamut=sRGBGamut] - The color gamut.
* @param {Vector} [out=vec3()] - The output array to store the OKLab color.
* @returns {Vector} The OKLab color as an array [L, a, b].
export const OKHSVToOKLab = (hsv, gamut = sRGBGamut, out = vec3()) => {
// Convert from Okhsv to Oklab."""
let h = hsv[0],
s = hsv[1],
v = hsv[2];
h = constrain(h) / 360.0;
let l = toeInv(v);
let a = 0;
let b = 0;
// Avoid processing gray or colors with undefined hues
if (l !== 0.0 && s !== 0.0) {
let a_ = Math.cos(tau * h);
let b_ = Math.sin(tau * h);
const lmsToRgb = getGamutLMStoRGB(gamut);
const cusp = findCuspOKLCH(a_, b_, gamut, tmp2Cusp);
computeSt(cusp, tmp2A);
const sMax = tmp2A[0];
const tMax = tmp2A[1];
let s0 = 0.5;
let k = 1 - s0 / sMax;
// first we compute L and V as if the gamut is a perfect triangle:
// L, C when v==1:
let lv = 1 - (s * s0) / (s0 + tMax - tMax * k * s);
let cv = (s * tMax * s0) / (s0 + tMax - tMax * k * s);
l = v * lv;
let c = v * cv;
// then we compensate for both toe and the curved top part of the triangle:
const scaleL = toScaleL(lv, cv, a_, b_, lmsToRgb);
let lNew = toeInv(l);
c = (c * lNew) / l;
l = lNew;
l = l * scaleL;
c = c * scaleL;
a = c * a_;
b = c * b_;
out[0] = l;
out[1] = a;
out[2] = b;
return out;
* Converts OKLab color to OKHSV color.
* @method
* @category oklab
* @param {Vector} lab The OKLab color as an array [L, a, b].
* @param {ColorGamut} [gamut=sRGBGamut] The color gamut.
* @param {Vector} [out=vec3()] The output array to store the OKHSV color.
* @returns {Vector} The OKHSV color as an array [h, s, v].
export const OKLabToOKHSV = (lab, gamut = sRGBGamut, out = vec3()) => {
// Oklab to Okhsv.
const lmsToRgb = getGamutLMStoRGB(gamut);
// Epsilon for saturation just needs to be sufficiently close when denoting achromatic
let ε = 1e-4;
let l = lab[0];
let s = 0.0;
let v = toe(l);
let c = Math.sqrt(lab[1] ** 2 + lab[2] ** 2);
let h = 0.5 + Math.atan2(-lab[2], -lab[1]) / tau;
if (l !== 0.0 && l !== 1 && c !== 0.0) {
let a_ = lab[1] / c;
let b_ = lab[2] / c;
const cusp = findCuspOKLCH(a_, b_, gamut, tmp2Cusp);
computeSt(cusp, tmp2A);
const sMax = tmp2A[0];
const tMax = tmp2A[1];
let s0 = 0.5;
let k = 1 - s0 / sMax;
// first we find `L_v`, `C_v`, `L_vt` and `C_vt`
let t = tMax / (c + l * tMax);
let lv = t * l;
let cv = t * c;
const scaleL = toScaleL(lv, cv, a_, b_, lmsToRgb);
l = l / scaleL;
c = c / scaleL;
const toeL = toe(l);
c = (c * toeL) / l;
l = toeL;
// we can now compute v and s:
v = l / lv;
s = ((s0 + tMax) * cv) / (tMax * s0 + tMax * k * cv);
// unlike, we are not worknig with none-types
// if (Math.abs(s) < ε || v === 0.0) {
// h = null;
// }
h = constrain(h * 360);
out[0] = h;
out[1] = s;
out[2] = v;
return out;