import {
} from "./util.js";
import { OKLab_to_LMS_M } from "./conversion_matrices.js";
import { sRGBGamut, OKLCH, OKLab } from "./spaces.js";
import { OKLab_to, convert } from "./core.js";
const DEFAULT_ALPHA = 0.05;
* @typedef {function} GamutMapMethod
* @description A function that maps an OKLCH color to a lightness value.
* @param {Vector} oklch The input OKLCH color
* @param {number[]} cusp A 2D cusp point in the form [L, C]
* @category mapping
* A {@link GamutMapMethod} that maintains the color's lightness.
* @type {GamutMapMethod}
* @category mapping
export const MapToL = (oklch) => oklch[0];
* A {@link GamutMapMethod} that maps towards middle gray (L = 0.5).
* @type {GamutMapMethod}
* @category mapping
export const MapToGray = () => 0.5;
* A {@link GamutMapMethod} that maps towards the lightness of the current hue's cusp.
* @type {GamutMapMethod}
* @category mapping
export const MapToCuspL = (_, cusp) => cusp[0];
* A {@link GamutMapMethod} that adaptively maps towards gray.
* @type {GamutMapMethod}
* @category mapping
export const MapToAdaptiveGray = (oklch, cusp) => {
const Ld = oklch[0] - cusp[0];
const k = 2 * (Ld > 0 ? 1 - cusp[0] : cusp[0]);
const e1 = 0.5 * k + Math.abs(Ld) + (DEFAULT_ALPHA * oklch[1]) / k;
return (
cusp[0] +
0.5 * (Math.sign(Ld) * (e1 - Math.sqrt(e1 * e1 - 2 * k * Math.abs(Ld))))
* A {@link GamutMapMethod} that adaptively maps towards the cusp's lightness.
* @type {GamutMapMethod}
* @category mapping
export const MapToAdaptiveCuspL = (oklch) => {
const Ld = oklch[0] - 0.5;
const e1 = 0.5 + Math.abs(Ld) + DEFAULT_ALPHA * oklch[1];
return (
0.5 * (1 + Math.sign(Ld) * (e1 - Math.sqrt(e1 * e1 - 2.0 * Math.abs(Ld))))
const floatMax = Number.MAX_VALUE;
const tmp2 = [0, 0];
const tmp3 = vec3();
// performs dot between vec3 A and B, but only on the YZ channels
const dotYZ = (a, b) => a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
// regular dot product for 2D and 3D vectors
const dotXY = (a, b) => a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
const dotXYZ = (vec, x, y, z) => vec[0] * x + vec[1] * y + vec[2] * z;
const setXY = (v, a, b) => {
v[0] = a;
v[1] = b;
const setYZ = (v, a, b) => {
v[1] = a;
v[2] = b;
* Computes the maximum saturation (S = C/L) possible for a given hue that fits within
* the RGB gamut, using the given coefficients.
* @param {number} a The normalized a component of the hue.
* @param {number} b The normalized b component of the hue.
* @param {Matrix3x3} lmsToRgb The LMS to RGB conversion matrix.
* @param {ColorGamutCoefficients} okCoeff The OKLab coefficients.
* @returns {number} The maximum saturation.
* @method
* @category mapping
export const computeMaxSaturationOKLC = (a, b, lmsToRgb, okCoeff) => {
// Finds the maximum saturation possible for a given hue that fits in RGB.
// Saturation here is defined as `S = C/L`.
// `a` and `b` must be normalized so `a^2 + b^2 == 1`.
// Max saturation will be when one of r, g or b goes below zero.
// Select different coefficients depending on which component goes below zero first.
let k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, wl, wm, ws;
setXY(tmp2, a, b);
setYZ(tmp3, a, b);
let chnlCoeff, chnlLMS;
// TODO: check performance of array destructuring...
if (dotXY(okCoeff[0][0], tmp2) > 1) {
// Red component
chnlCoeff = okCoeff[0][1];
chnlLMS = lmsToRgb[0];
} else if (dotXY(okCoeff[1][0], tmp2) > 1) {
// Green component
chnlCoeff = okCoeff[1][1];
chnlLMS = lmsToRgb[1];
} else {
// Blue component
chnlCoeff = okCoeff[2][1];
chnlLMS = lmsToRgb[2];
k0 = chnlCoeff[0];
k1 = chnlCoeff[1];
k2 = chnlCoeff[2];
k3 = chnlCoeff[3];
k4 = chnlCoeff[4];
wl = chnlLMS[0];
wm = chnlLMS[1];
ws = chnlLMS[2];
// Approximate max saturation using a polynomial:
let sat = k0 + k1 * a + k2 * b + k3 * (a * a) + k4 * a * b;
// Do one step Halley's method to get closer.
// This gives an error less than 10e6, except for some blue hues where the `dS/dh` is close to infinite.
// This should be sufficient for most applications, otherwise do two/three steps.
let kl = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[0], tmp3);
let km = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[1], tmp3);
let ks = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[2], tmp3);
let l_ = 1.0 + sat * kl;
let m_ = 1.0 + sat * km;
let s_ = 1.0 + sat * ks;
let l = l_ * l_ * l_;
let m = m_ * m_ * m_;
let s = s_ * s_ * s_;
let lds = 3.0 * kl * (l_ * l_);
let mds = 3.0 * km * (m_ * m_);
let sds = 3.0 * ks * (s_ * s_);
let lds2 = 6.0 * (kl * kl) * l_;
let mds2 = 6.0 * (km * km) * m_;
let sds2 = 6.0 * (ks * ks) * s_;
let f = wl * l + wm * m + ws * s;
let f1 = wl * lds + wm * mds + ws * sds;
let f2 = wl * lds2 + wm * mds2 + ws * sds2;
sat = sat - (f * f1) / (f1 * f1 - 0.5 * f * f2);
return sat;
* Retrieves the LMS to RGB conversion matrix from the given gamut.
* @param {ColorGamut} gamut The gamut object.
* @returns {Matrix3x3} The LMS to RGB conversion matrix.
* @method
* @category mapping
export const getGamutLMStoRGB = (gamut) => {
if (!gamut) throw new Error(`expected gamut to have { space }`);
const lmsToRGB = ( ??;
if (!lmsToRGB)
throw new Error(`expected gamut { space } to have a fromLMS_M matrix`);
return lmsToRGB;
* Finds the cusp of the OKLCH color space for a given hue.
* @param {number} a The normalized a component of the hue.
* @param {number} b The normalized b component of the hue.
* @param {ColorGamut} gamut The gamut object.
* @param {number[]} [out=[0, 0]] The output array to store the cusp values.
* @returns {number[]} The cusp values [L, C].
* @method
* @category mapping
export const findCuspOKLCH = (a, b, gamut, out = [0, 0]) => {
const lmsToRgb = getGamutLMStoRGB(gamut);
const okCoeff = gamut.coefficients;
if (!okCoeff) throw new Error("expected gamut to have { coefficients }");
// const lmsToRgb, okCoeff
// First, find the maximum saturation (saturation S = C/L)
var S_cusp = computeMaxSaturationOKLC(a, b, lmsToRgb, okCoeff);
// Convert to linear RGB to find the first point where at least one of r,g or b >= 1:
tmp3[0] = 1;
tmp3[1] = S_cusp * a;
tmp3[2] = S_cusp * b;
var rgb_at_max = OKLab_to(tmp3, lmsToRgb, tmp3);
var L_cusp = Math.cbrt(
1 / Math.max(Math.max(rgb_at_max[0], rgb_at_max[1]), rgb_at_max[2])
var C_cusp = L_cusp * S_cusp;
out[0] = L_cusp;
out[1] = C_cusp;
return out;
export const findGamutIntersectionOKLCH = (a, b, l1, c1, l0, cusp, gamut) => {
// Finds intersection of the line.
// Defined by the following:
// ```
// L = L0 * (1 - t) + t * L1
// C = t * C1
// ```
// `a` and `b` must be normalized so `a^2 + b^2 == 1`.
let t;
const lmsToRgb = getGamutLMStoRGB(gamut);
if (!cusp) throw new Error("must pass cusp");
setYZ(tmp3, a, b);
// Find the intersection for upper and lower half separately
if ((l1 - l0) * cusp[1] - (cusp[0] - l0) * c1 <= 0.0) {
const denom = c1 * cusp[0] + cusp[1] * (l0 - l1);
// Lower half
t = denom === 0 ? 0 : (cusp[1] * l0) / denom;
} else {
// Upper half
// First intersect with triangle
const denom = c1 * (cusp[0] - 1.0) + cusp[1] * (l0 - l1);
t = denom === 0 ? 0 : (cusp[1] * (l0 - 1.0)) / denom;
// Then one step Halley's method
let dl = l1 - l0;
let dc = c1;
let kl = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[0], tmp3);
let km = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[1], tmp3);
let ks = dotYZ(OKLab_to_LMS_M[2], tmp3);
let ldt_ = dl + dc * kl;
let mdt_ = dl + dc * km;
let sdt_ = dl + dc * ks;
// If higher accuracy is required, 2 or 3 iterations of the following block can be used:
let L = l0 * (1.0 - t) + t * l1;
let C = t * c1;
let l_ = L + C * kl;
let m_ = L + C * km;
let s_ = L + C * ks;
let l = l_ * l_ * l_;
let m = m_ * m_ * m_;
let s = s_ * s_ * s_;
let ldt = 3 * ldt_ * l_ * l_;
let mdt = 3 * mdt_ * m_ * m_;
let sdt = 3 * sdt_ * s_ * s_;
let ldt2 = 6 * ldt_ * ldt_ * l_;
let mdt2 = 6 * mdt_ * mdt_ * m_;
let sdt2 = 6 * sdt_ * sdt_ * s_;
let r_ = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[0], l, m, s) - 1;
let r1 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[0], ldt, mdt, sdt);
let r2 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[0], ldt2, mdt2, sdt2);
let ur = r1 / (r1 * r1 - 0.5 * r_ * r2);
let tr = -r_ * ur;
let g_ = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[1], l, m, s) - 1;
let g1 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[1], ldt, mdt, sdt);
let g2 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[1], ldt2, mdt2, sdt2);
let ug = g1 / (g1 * g1 - 0.5 * g_ * g2);
let tg = -g_ * ug;
let b_ = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[2], l, m, s) - 1;
let b1 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[2], ldt, mdt, sdt);
let b2 = dotXYZ(lmsToRgb[2], ldt2, mdt2, sdt2);
let ub = b1 / (b1 * b1 - 0.5 * b_ * b2);
let tb = -b_ * ub;
tr = ur >= 0.0 ? tr : floatMax;
tg = ug >= 0.0 ? tg : floatMax;
tb = ub >= 0.0 ? tb : floatMax;
t += Math.min(tr, Math.min(tg, tb));
return t;
* Applies fast approximate gamut mapping in OKLab space on the given OKLCH input color,
* using the specified gamut and converting to the target color space.
* @param {Vector} oklch The input OKLCH color that you wish to gamut map.
* @param {ColorGamut} [gamut=sRGBGamut] The gamut object.
* @param {ColorSpace} [] The target color space.
* @param {Vector} [out=vec3()] The output array to store the mapped color.
* @param {GamutMapMethod} [mapping=MapToCuspL] The gamut mapping function.
* @param {Vector} [cusp] Optional, you can provide the cusp values [L, C] to avoid re-computing them.
* @returns {Vector} The mapped color in the target color space.
* @method
* @category mapping
export const gamutMapOKLCH = (
gamut = sRGBGamut,
targetSpace =,
out = vec3(),
mapping = MapToCuspL,
) => {
const gamutSpace =;
const coeff = gamut.coefficients;
if (!coeff || !gamutSpace) {
throw new Error(`expected gamut with { space, coefficients }`);
const gamutSpaceBase = gamutSpace.base ?? gamutSpace;
const lmsToRgb = gamutSpaceBase.fromLMS_M;
if (!lmsToRgb) {
throw new Error(
`color space ${} has no base with LMS to RGB matrix`
// tmp output for R,G,B
const rgbVec = tmp3;
// first, let's clamp lightness and chroma
out[0] = clamp(oklch[0], 0, 1);
out[1] = Math.max(oklch[1], 0);
out[2] = oklch[2]; // hue remains constant
// convert oklch to base gamut space (i.e. linear sRGB)
convert(out, OKLCH, gamutSpaceBase, rgbVec);
// Note: this is a possible area of performance improvement for some edge cases
// If you gamut map without clipping, you end up lying on the edge of the gamut,
// but in some cases very slightly out of gamut. Gamut mapping *again* is redundant
// as it will produce the same result; and in those cases, it should just skip straight
// to clipping. So, in theory, a small epsilon like 1e-7 would catch these and prevent redundant gamut mapping.
// See test/check-gamut-epsilon.js
// However, in practice, inputs to this function are likely not going to be already-mapped-but-not-clipped points,
// so we are talking about a very negligible improvement, and it is probably better to be accurate in as many cases
// as possible than to shave off a little time.
// check where the point lies in gamut space
if (!isRGBInGamut(rgbVec, RGB_CLIP_EPSILON)) {
// we aren't in gamut, so let's map toward it
const L = out[0];
const C = out[1];
const H = out[2];
const hueAngle = degToRad(H);
const aNorm = Math.cos(hueAngle);
const bNorm = Math.sin(hueAngle);
// choose our strategy
cusp = cusp || findCuspOKLCH(aNorm, bNorm, gamut, tmp2);
const LTarget = mapping(out, cusp);
let t = findGamutIntersectionOKLCH(
out[0] = lerp(LTarget, L, t);
out[1] *= t;
// Note: if requested targetSpace is base=OKLCH, we can return early.
// note this creates a potential difference compared to going to other targetSpaces:
// a) mapping to sRGB then finally converting back to OKLCH the result may be lossy in
// some coordinates that you might not expect, e.g. hue loss when hue should be unchanged
// during gamut mapping, due to conversion / floating point math
// b) if you map to sRGB it will perform clipping, but if you map to OKLCH then no sRGB clipping
// will be applied. The OKLCH result is _basically_ in gamut, but not exactly; you'll need to clip at final stage.
// I've documented this behaviour in the readme.
const targetSpaceBase = targetSpace.base ?? targetSpace;
if ( == "oklab") {
return convert(out, OKLCH, targetSpace, out);
// now that we have a LCH that sits on (or nearly on) the gamut, convert again to linear space
convert(out, OKLCH, gamutSpaceBase, rgbVec);
// clip the linear RGB to 0..1 range
clampedRGB(rgbVec, rgbVec);
// finally, convert linear RGB to the final target space (e.g. sRGB or XYZ)
// this is often just a linear to gamma transfer, unless another target space is specified
convert(rgbVec, gamutSpaceBase, targetSpace, out);
return out;